Prediction for 26th – 27th Aug, 2022 by Anoothie Vedic Astrology

Col Manoj Mehrotra Shastri_Vedic Astrology
Col Manoj Mehrotra Shastri_Vedic Astrology

Today’s Panchang

 Month – Shravan
 Paksha –Krishna Paksha
 Tithi – Chaturdashi upto 12:23 PM on 26 Aug, Amavasya upto 1:46 PM on 27 Aug,
 Nakshatra –Ashlesha upto 6:33 PM on 26 Aug, Magha up to 8:26 PM on 27 Aug

Prediction Based on Moon Sign

Aries(Mesh) – While you will have problems of differences with family and restlessness, quarrels on Friday, keep away from water bodies. On Saturday you should be careful while venturing out of home/ doing anything physical. You will be benefitted monetarily, and will get respect too. You will be mentally stressed but be logical and avoid confusions.
Taurus(Vrishabh)– While you feel courageous on Friday and will be able to keep enemies at bay with influence, help from authorities and wealth, but let it not go to your head. You have good logical and reasoning skills which can be lost due to ego/ anger. Saturday keep a low profile else you have
problems in the family. You are likely to be termed cruel and you will have shortage of funds.
Gemini(Mithun) – You have a mix of luck with mental dissatisfaction, differences with family, no happiness and failures on Friday. However, Saturday will be a relief with good food, happiness, wealth gains, benefit from your family. Enemies will be saving grace.
Cancer(Kark) – Both days will give you wealth, happiness, gains, fun, pleasure, luxury and even enemies will be at bay, yet you are advised to refrain from unethical deeds which you may be inclined towards. You may have some benefits from the state too.
Leo(Sinh) – Both days your work is likely to suffer due to a trip or unnecessary shuttling between places. You are also likely to have problems in stomach, eyes, headache and have occupational issues. You may have unnecessary quarrels with relatives/ friends and you will feel tired, irritated and tensed. It is better to keep quiet and keep to yourself.
Virgo(Kanya) – Friday is likely to give you good health, wealth, respect, good meetings with family friends/ acquaintances. Saturday you will be worried and will have losses due to your communication aspects, loss of interest in food. Acts by enemies will cause worries and you will generally have loss of health.

Libra(Tula) – On Friday, if you have a professional engagement you are advised to postpone it as you are likely to have losses from authorities, failure at work and no peace of mind. However, Saturday gives you profits, benefits and you will be helped by friends.
Scorrpio(Vrishchik) – Postpone dealings with state authorities on Friday as neither they will understand your point, nor will help you. Your luck is not with you as you have losses and differences in your team. Saturday makes you successful, keeps you healthy, gives you gains and authorities will
take a U turn and be happy with you.
Sagittarius(Dhanu)– Time and stars are not in your favour these two days giving you all sorts of problems from health issues, problems from seniors, state authorities, loss of cooperation, difference of opinion and enemies taking up the opportunity to increase your problems. You should stay calm and lie low.
Capricorn(Makar) – Difficult days with a travel on the cards and that too very uncomfortable, high mental stress. Despite hard work, failures are likely with loss of wealth. Do not indulge in company of people of lower status as it will bring you addictions and you will have further harm.
Aquarius(Kumbh) – These days you have chances of monetary wealth and gain, better health, happiness, good conversations(especially with women). You are likely to take a short beneficial trip and also defeat enemies but incur expenditure.
Pisces(Meen) – If you have kids, you are likely to get good news from kids, if do not have kids, may get some news about being blessed soon. If you are not married, prospects of marriage talks are there. But the days will keep you happy in all aspects

For detailed individual accurate prediction as per Vedic Astrology, you are requested to contact on +91-9229112953

Moon changes sign every 2.25 days, hence the prediction is being done for 2 days.

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