Prediction for 21st Feb – 23rd Feb 2024 by Anoothie Vedic Astrology

Prediction for 21st Feb – 23rd Feb 2024 by Anoothie Vedic Astrology

Col Manoj Mehrotra Shastri_Vedic Astrology
Col Manoj Mehrotra Shastri_Vedic Astrology

Today’s Panchang

 Month – Magh
 Paksha – Shukla
 Tithi – Dwadashi up to 11:27 AM on 21 Feb, Tryodashi up to 1:21 PM on 22 Feb, Chaturdashi up to 3:33 PM on 23 Feb
 Nakshatra –Punarvasu up to 2:18 PM on 21 Feb, Pushya up to 4:43 PM on22 Feb, Ashlesha up to 6:02 AM on 23 Feb, Magha up to 2:08 AM on 24 Feb
 Moon – In Kark up to 07:25 PM on 23 Feb 24

Colour of the Day  Wednesday – Favourable colour is green and shades of green. You can combine with golden, cream, white, pink, magenta, red, orange, yellow, shades of yellow, black, dark blue, checks of black and blue. Avoid light blue and off white colours.  Thursday – Favourable colours are yellow, shades of yellow, golden, cream, light blue, off white, red, orange, grey, checks of black and blue, black, dark blue. Avoid green, shades of green, pink, magenta white.  Friday – Favourable colours are white, pink, magenta and shades of pink. You can combine with green, shades of green, black, dark blue, checks of black or blue, grey, red, orange, yellow and shades of yellow. Avoid cream, off white and light blue.

Prediction Based on Moon Signs

Aries(Mesh) – The days can give you mixed results. While you feel restless and have quarrels with family keeping you in a disturbed frame of mind, you will also not be comfortable with food and sleep. You will still feel healthy and get respect. You can have good meetings with friends and family and get some happiness too. If not married, the topic will be on. You will not feel laziness and will be full of confidence. You will feel physical and mental tension and can have obstacles in profession due to women. Abhishek of Shiv pariwar. Offer food to little girls, pray to Guru and Laxmi Narayan.

Taurus(Vrishabh) – The days will give you good gains in money, you will enjoy good clothes and keep healthy. You will win over enemies and will be happy as your family benefits you. You may still feel tension/ restlessness some times. You are advised to pay attention to food habits. At work, you will be benefitted too and can be offered something good. You will be successful in whatever you do which will also enhance family happiness. Your luck will be on your side and may get involved in some religious function at home. Wear silver, consume honey. Recite Hanuman Chalisa and visit Laxmi Narayan temple.

Gemini(Mithun) – You will not be satisfied mentally the way things go and thus have a difference of opinion with family reducing your happiness. There will be hurdles at work, but do not take any unethical short cut for success. You may be on the look out for a new source of income and have progress in profession. You will feel sorry for happenings in the past, but you should let it go, else you will have hurdles at work and feel enmity with relatives and brother. Despite all this you will still enjoy luxury and glory and have interest in arts and knowledge. Apply saffron tilak, abhishek of Shiv pariwar, visit Laxmi Narayan mandir, Treat spouse tenderly and pray to Ma Gauri.

Cancer(Kark) – You will get wealth, happiness and feel emotionally stable having an upper edge over enemies and success will make you feel happy. You will enjoy good food too. Despite all this, you may have fear of humiliation. Your social and financial reputation will increase. You may travel too but peace can be disturbed due to arguments with spouse. Your social and financial reputation will increase. However, you can still progress at work and may make suitable changes. You may also come in contact with state officials. Recite Purush Sukt, pray to Shiv ji and Ma Gauri.

Sinh(Leo) – Look after your health these days as not only you can have body ache and eye problems but loss of reputation at work will keep you irritated. People will not cooperate at work and resulting in loss at work. Expenditure will be high. You will still be thinking about the future of work and will shoulder additional responsibility. You can also have quarrels with spouse and work partner(s) and will be scared due to state procedures and deadlines. If travelling, it will be an unsuccessful journey. Opponents and critics will also create problems these days. Pray to Shiv pariwar, recite Sankat Nashan Ganesh srotra. Visit Laxmi Narayan temple and feed birds.

Virgo(Kanya) – You will gat a jump in income and will make good progress at profession. Liquids and women will be beneficial for you. You will get happiness from kids and respect as well as reputation will improve. Some good news will lift up spirits. You are likely to read something good  and win over enemies and will be respected by all. Your works will be completed and you will take on additional responsibilities with financial improvement. If waiting for a kid, you can get some good news. Worship Ma Gauri and Shiv ji. Thank your Guru, Laxmi Narayan and Ganesh ji.

Libra(Tula) – You will get success at work and enjoy good health along with monetary gains and respect from state. Seniors and elders will be happy and you may be offered a  promotion or a good assignment. There will be happiness at home. If not married as yet, the time is coming for you. If married, you will have a happy married life. However, you will be mentally worried due to failure of plans and worried due to spouse and kids. There can be at financial front. If having an affair, you can have problems. But you will get comforts, luxury and help from relatives. Donate curd, thank Shiv ji and your Guru. Wear silver and recite
Sankat Nashan Ganesh srotra.

Scorpio (Vrishchik) – You can have loss of facial glow and can be falsely implicated. There can also be monetary loss. However, there will be benefits at work and colleagues will support you as you progress. Be careful what you eat, as you can put on weight. You can get wealth and mother will be happy. You will have friendship with knowledgeable people and people at high positions. Not only you may make new friends, but brothers/ sisters can give you happiness and servants as well as subordinates will be dutiful. Religion may interest you. Apply saffron tilak, abhishek of Shiv pariwar. Pray to Gaensh ji and help brother’s family.

Sagittarius(Dhanu) – You can have indigestion and cough these days. Be careful of emotional upset as quarrels are eminent giving you mental tension. You can wealth and enjoy good clothes as you also get respect from authorities and make good progress if you are related to academics. However, you can be scared due to any reason which will reduce your courage and though you make new friends, but you can have quarrels with brother. Donate milk/ rice/ curd in Shiv mandir, consume anise, honey. Feed soaked moong to birds in morning. Visit mandir of Vishnu Bhagwan.

Makar(Capricorn) – You will enjoy good food and have fun these days. There will be success at work as everyone cooperates. You may even enjoy an outing and it will be beneficial too. Your enemies will be destroyed and you will get success in field of knowledge, fun, frolic, glory. You will be inclined towards truth. Ganesh ji will give you happiness and you may get respect as well as benefit due to an expert talk. But do not act on financial advice from relatives as it can cause losses. Conditions at work will be beneficial giving you a peaceful time at work and keeping you mentally satisfied. Thank your Guru,
Laxmi Narayan, offer food to little girl. Keep water at head side at night and pour in peepal in
morning. Take opinion of family before doing anything.

Kumbh(Aquarius) – You are likely to get monetary gains, keep healthy, get some fame and happiness, enjoying good conversations with women and have a happy stay at home. Enemies will be defeated, but expenditure will be heavy. You will get good food and luxury items also. However, you will experience back biting and use foul language too. Be careful, you can loose some belonging and can also have quarrels. Your relatives will suffer losses. You are still likely to have interest in studies and may meet old friends. Keep anise at bedside during night, visit Laxmi Narayan temple and pray to Shiv ji.

Pisces(Meen) – If travelling, you will have problems and you will be mentally disturbed due to family and kids. Drive carefully as there can be accidents. You can still have monetary benefits and success. You may enjoy some good time with women or have pleasure in matters related to women. Friends will support you. However, mark your communication, words and expression as it can lead to loss of happiness, making you worried and sad. Defeat by enemies is likely to cause you worries. You will also have differences with relatives. Be careful while communicating your decisions. You can easily be misunderstood. However, delayed works can be completed and people will be influenced by your improved personality. Apply saffron tilak, recite Atharva Shirsh srotra. Follow path of righteousness and pray to Laxmi Narayan and Shiv ji. Keep curd/ milk in Shiv mandir.

For detailed individual accurate prediction as per Vedic Astrology,  contact on +91-9229112953

Moon changes sign every 2.25 days, hence the prediction is being done accordingly as per the sign

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