Prediction for 1st – 2nd Oct, 2023 by Anoothie Vedic Astrology

Col Manoj Mehrotra Shastri_Vedic Astrology
Col Manoj Mehrotra Shastri_Vedic Astrology

Today’s Panchang

 Month – Bhadrapad
 Paksha – Krishna, Pitr paksha
 Tithi – Dwitiya up to 9:41 AM on 01 Oct, Tritiya up to 7:36 AM on 02 Oct, Chaturthi up to 6:11 AM on 03 Oct 23
 Moon – Mesh up to 12:15 AM on 3 Oct 23
 Nakshatra –Ashwini up to 7:27 PM on 01 Oct 23, Bharani 01:08 AM on 02 Oct, Krittika up to 6:08 AM on 03 Oct 23

Colour of the Day – Sunday – Favourable colour Cream. You can combine with light blue, red, orange, yellow, shads of yellow, green and shades of green. Avoid pink, magenta, black, dark blue, checks of black and blue, grey.  Monday – Favourable colour light blue. You can combine with cream, green, shades of green, off white, red, orange, yellow, shades of yellow, pink, magenta. Avoid black,
dark blue, grey, checks of black and blue.

Prediction Based on Moon Signs

Aries(Mesh) – The days are good for you with increased respect, gain in wealth, happiness, pleasure and you will enjoy good health. But as Rahu is with Moon, you will remain mentally tensed too, even without any apparent reason. You will enjoy good food and good clothes too. If not married as yet, marriage prospects brighten. However, disputes within the family cannot be ruled out. You may start a new job with increased responsibilities at home or work. There will be no laziness. You will win  over enemies and pending tasks will be solved as you benefit from officials. You should keep water on headboard at night, and must wear silver. Pray to Guru and visit Laxmi Narayan temple.

Taurus(Vrishabh) – The days are not good for you giving you mental worries and making you feel physically as well as mentally weak. You can have loss of wealth as well as loss of cooperation and reputation. It is advisable not to deal directly with govt officials as there can be disputes and you will feel let down and restless. As it is health is not at peak. Drive carefully. Drop some oil on floor and offer jal to Surya. Keep yourself hydrated and pray to Shiv ji.

Gemini(Mithun) – Both days will prove to be good with monetary gains and making good progress towards your plans/ ambitions. If you are in profession of liquids, you will gain more. Women will help you. Beware of a dark complexion stranger/ a fair complexion fatherly figure and commitments given by him. You can have mental and physical tensions and problems in property due to him. This will lead to damage of reputation and feeling of restlessness. Although, advise from experienced elders can save the day. It is advisable not to be greedy and recite Aditya Hriday srotra as well as pray to Guru.

Cancer(Kark) – The days will give you success at work, good health, monetary gains and respect from state. You may get a promotion and seniors, elders and home front will be happy. You will get pleasure and auspicious benefits and will get in touch with high officials, get wealth and respect from friends. You will be able to defeat your enemies and may be offered a good position too. Seek blessings from mother and do not get into any unethical deeds. Enjoy luxury and fun and glory. Pray to Ma Gauri.

Leo(Sinh) – You are likely to meet bad and crooked people and have losses in business as well as wealth, have quarrels with friends as well as relatives making you unhappy the entire time. You will have loss of facial glow and can be falsely implicated have monetary loss for no reason and his income will drop. Do not get involved with women and feed rice to fish. Pray to Surya and Shiv ji.

Virgo(Kanya) – You will experience loss of wealth and respect along with poor health and works will get delayed. You will not get food on time and travel aimlessly. There will be mental tension and there will be back biting as well as use of foul language. Beware of your belongings. Journeys may not be comfortable. You can have problems of health like indigestion as well as cough. Take silver and rice from mother and keep with you. Donate copper and red masoor. Pray to Hanuman ji.

Libra(Tula) – You will gain monetarily and likely to take up a short beneficial journey filled with good gains as well as good food and fun. However, keep a track of your tasks back home, as they may suffer and create lot of problems, especially if related to govt. Keep a check on your eyes too. Do not relay on brother in law, father’s brother or a fatherly figure. Feed ants and recite Aditya Hriday srotra.

Scorrpio (Vrishchik) – The days will give you monetary gains and keep you healthy, with fame and happiness, giving you good conversations with women and a happy stay at home. Enemies will be defeated and you will feel healthy. You may get a new position and blessings of eldres as well as officials. Offer jal to Surya and pray to Shiv ji.

Sagittarius(Dhanu) – The days will be mixed for you as you will enjoy good health and wealth with friends and good relations with important people/ officials. There will be benefits and success in every work and promotions will be on the cards. However, if travelling, there will be problems in journey and also result in failures of work, keeping you mentally disturbed. Keep mishri and rice in white cloth with you and wear a white cap. Shiv abhishek will help.

Makar(Capricorn) – The days will cause quarrels with family giving you a restless mind and giving you disturbed meals as well as sleep. It is not advisable to get on wrong side of a water body or women. You will loose that facial glow, and can be falsely implicated causing you monetary loss. You need to control your ego while taking decisions and stick to rules. Donate rice/ milk and visit
Shiv mandir.

Aquarius(Kumbh) – You will continue to be adamant which can reduce the gains which you can get these days. Otherwise, you are bound to get money, good clothes, keep you healthy and win over enemies. You will benefit due to your family and siblings. You can have indigestion and body ache, hence eat healthy and avoid dealing with state authorities. Be truthful, consume gur before starting any work. Offer jal to Surya.

Pisces(Meen) – There will be adverse effect on married life and hence you need to control your ego as well as anger. Spouse and kids may fall sick adding to your agony. If travelling, there will be troubles and there will be failure at work due to wrong decisions. There can be loss of reputation too, hence be careful. Mentally you will be unsatisfied and will have difference of opinion with family leading to no happiness. Do not adopt any unethical activities. Abshike to Shiv pariwar and Surya namaskar will help.

For detailed individual accurate prediction as per Vedic Astrology, contact on +91-9229112953

Moon changes sign every 2.25 days, hence the prediction is being done for 2 days