Prediction for 16th – 17th Nov, 2023 by Anoothie Vedic Astrology

Col Manoj Mehrotra Shastri_Vedic Astrology
Col Manoj Mehrotra Shastri_Vedic Astrology

Today’s Panchang

 Month – Kartik
 Paksha – Shukla Paksha
Tithi – Tritiya up to 12:34 PM on 16 Nov, Chaturthi up to 11:03 AM on 17 Nov, Panchami up to
 Moon- Dhanu up to 7:00 AM on 18 Nov 23
 Nakshatra – Moola up to 2:17 AM on 17 Nov, Poorv Ashadha up to 1:17 AM on 18 Nov 23

Colour of the Day  Thursday – Favourable colours are yellow, shades of yellow, golden, cream, light blue, off white, red, orange, grey, checks of black and blue, black, dark blue. Avoid green, shades of green, pink, magenta white. o Friday – Favourable colours are white, pink, magenta and shades of pink. You can combine with green, shades of green, black, dark blue, checks of black or blue, grey, red, orange, yellow and shades of yellow. Avoid cream, off white and light blue.

Prediction Based on Moon Signs

Aries(Mesh) – The days are generally not good for you as opponents and critics create
problems and servants/ subordinates will not cooperate. If travelling, there can be trouble in journeys. There can be problems form the state and there can be losses at work. You will
have difference with younger males, but avoid it as enemies can make use of such
differences. If not married, marriage talks can progress. If waiting, you can get a news about being blessed with a kid. Despite all this, there can be disputes in family. You may start a new job which will be beneficial later and give you more respect and responsibilities. Feed fish, birds and /or labour class, Shiv pariwar abhishek.

Taurus(Vrishabh) – You will be troubled on these days due to your health and can have
mental tensions due to arguments. If you can control your emotions, so as not to fall into
arguments, the days will offer you happiness from kids and monetary benefits as well as good respect and reputation. You will get some good news regarding family, affair, knowledge, studies or wealth. You are likely to spend necessarily on auspicious functions, This will give you restlessness . However, you must pay attention to food habits and are likely to plan for loan for a house, vehicle. You should offer gram pulse in mandir and recite Purush Sukt.

Gemini(Mithun) – The days are good for you as your wishes get fulfilled and get wealth as
well as comforts, luxuries. You will get help from relatives. You are likely to get new sources of income and have progress in profession. If you are involved in anything legal, you will have an upper edge. Profession will be on an upbeat. You may take a short trip and will enjoy that too with good food and pleasure. Partnerships, professional and personal will be good. Pray to shiv ji and your Guru. Seek blessings of Ma Gauri.

Cancer(Kark) – The days will offer you good things, as your friends increase and you get
wealth, servants and subordinates will be helpful and your respect as well as reputation will
increase. You will be religious minded. You will gain monetarily and keep good health, get
fame, happiness, enjoy good conversations with women and a happy stay at home. You will
be able to defeat your enemies, but expenditure will be heavy. There can be good progress in profession and you may start some new process. There will be contact with state officials. Opportunities exist, do not be lazy. Respect your partner, spouse. Visit Laxmi Narayan temple and seek blessings of Guru.

Leo(Sinh) – The days will offer you mixed results. On one hand you will get wealth, keep
good health, may get jewellery or clothes and respect from state. If involved in academics,
progress will be good. However, if you are travelling, there can be problems keeping you
mentally disturbed, and this will spoil work too. Although all this will not stop you to think
about future and how to go about your work. You may be asked to shoulder additional
responsibility. Financial condition will be sound. Offer mishri in Shiv Mandir and must visit temple.

Virgo(Kanya) – The days will be mixed for you. The days will help you to destroy enemies
and give you happiness as well as wealth success in field of knowledge with fun, frolic,
luxury and glory. Although you will be inclined towards truth, but unethical deeds can lure
you. However, at the home front, you can have quarrels with family due to emotional
differences giving you a restless mind and not letting you sleep peacefully, or enjoying a
peaceful meal. Keep away from water and do not get on wrong side of women. You will save money and even plan for a loan for property. There can be some sickness, but not acute. Recite Purush Sukt, offer haldi in temple and pray to Shiv ji.

Libra(Tula) – The days will give you good results with wealth, good food, luxury but with
increased expenditure. You should be careful while dealing with women. If not yet married,
there are chances of something brewing. If married, it will give you happiness. Both personal as well as professional partnership will be good. Your social respect will increase and financial situation will be strong. You will be benefitted due to spouse. You may get new clothes and keep healthy with benefits from family and will be happy, as enemies will be defeated. Thank your Guru and Shiv pariwar.

Scorrpio (Vrishchik) – Although you will be mentally unsatisfied and have difference of
opinion with family, yet the days will offer you good results. Keep your emotions separate
from work, else you will find it difficult to cope with work, and do not get into anything
unethical to get success. Keep logic and knowledge the basis of working, it will get you
benefit at work. You will keep healthy and get support from colleagues. You may plan for a foreign travel too. The days will give you monetary benefit and pleasure in matters related to women. Friends will support you. Offer abhishek on Shivling and pray to Ma Gauri.

Sagittarius(Dhanu) – The days will give you mixed results as there can be physical and
mental tensions at work due to hurdles at profession. The tensions can be related to women. Otherwise, your days will be good with happiness at home, happiness due to kids. You can get good news if waiting for a kid, and will have interest in studies, arts, astrology, love affair and will have financial benefit as well as benefit from state. Delayed works and obstacles at work can be overcome due to expert advice from knowledgeable males and logical opinion. You will feel healthy and enjoy good food too. You may get gifts or a benefit in profession. You should recite Shree Sukt and worship Ma.

Makar(Capricorn) – Although you will have luck on your side and will get some monetary
benefit too, yet you will not get any cooperation due to emotional losses and emotional
disconnect. Spouse will be lucky for you so it is better to honour his/ her emotions. You will
have issues of health and there can be loss of reputation if you do not control your emotions. Work as per your logic and knowledge and it will be good for profession and you can have a peaceful time. Your plans will fructify but keep yourself hydrated and worship Shiv ji.

Aquarius(Kumbh) – The days will prove to be good for you. You will enjoy good health and will have interest in studies. You will act large hearted and get respect due to it. You are likely to meet old as well as new friends. If not yet married, it can be on the cards. You will enjoy luxury, glory and will be interested in arts. You will feel healthy and win over enemies, get happiness and benefit from family. Your luck will favour you. Treat your spouse tenderly, donate carrot in temple and take blessings.

Pisces(Meen) – You will get mixed results on both days. While you will have fear of
humiliation in personal as well as professional partnerships for no apparent reason, yet you
will work hard and may have to travel. There will be a disturbed time and arguments can take place with spouse/ work partner. If you can handle these tactfully, you will not only be
praised by seniors and elders, but will also get success at work and profits. You will be able
to complete delayed works but expenditure will be high. You will be able to influence people, but remember that you cannot handle everyone, in the same manner. Seek blessings of parents. No partnership with in laws. Pray to your Guru and Shiv pariwar.

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Moon changes sign approximately every 2.25 days, hence the prediction is being done for 2 days